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Email from the Coordinator.

Yesterday the London Open Mic Poetry committee coordinator, Stan, called for an impromptu meeting, with me and one other member of the committee (this isn't out of the ordinary, we have a fairly large group that has individual lives. Me and this one other person, and the coordinator just happen to have more time to meet lately.)

So we went to McDonalds, where he called the meeting to, and he went on about how he had some great ideas for this "behind the scenes" clips thing we were thinking about doing, to show the audience how much effort actually goes into putting these Open Mic Poetry nights together. But by the time we had arrived, he had completely changed his mind about all of his new ideas he had formed.

Of course I was curious about what ideas had called on such an urgent feeling meeting, and asked Stan to "spill the beans" anyways, beans I won't go into detail about.

I found this whole ordeal pretty funny by the end of the night, because at around 9:25PM I received this email.

He was accurate, both me and the other member were confused as to why we had been dragged out of our homes (being the super social writer types we are) for a meeting that had seemed to go no where.

I believe this meeting prevented way more damage than I give it credit for, it helped each of us understand our own and each others views about London Open Mic Poetry.

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