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London Open Mic. Poetry

By now I'm sure you're wondering what this London Open Mic. Poetry thing, that I keep talking about, is. So I'm gonna talk about that in this post :)

London Open Mic Poetry is the committee of volunteers that helps organize and put together multiple unique poetry events, including our London Open Mic Poetry Nights (the event that started it all).

The main event is an open mic poetry reading series held in London, ON., on the first Wednesday of every month (except Jan. as we like our Christmas Holidays too, and from June to October, leaving room for our other events to take place.)

The night starts with a featured established (or published) poet, followed by a Q&A for the feature, and then opens up as an open mic. events.

It's a great way to bring both established and emerging writers together for a night of relaxing, comfortable poetry reciting.

The atmosphere is dim, except for the stage, and lit with twinkling white fairy lights wound throughout the lattice ceiling, and tea light candles on each table. The audience is usually very attentive and supportive of every poet that goes on stage, which really helps most anxietyridden performs get a little more acquainted with the stage life.

When I was a fresh emerging poet, I found this place really helped me develop as a performing/reciting poet; so much so that now I'm now on the committee, and sometimes (more often than I thought I would be) calling the shots!

This committee helped me go from shut-in, nervous, anxious-knob, to poetry performer, event announcer, ideas girl (hence Stan's email comment in the previous post.)

Want to know more about the event(s), and maybe even want to attend?

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