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Pet Therapy...

Well I haven't been sleeping very well lately, and when this lack of sleep walks hand-in-hand with PMS oh boy do I feel like the Grinch the day before Christmas (right down to the long, curly frown).

This lack of sleep is honestly from my boyfriends neighbours dogs. They live above him, and they're not usually loud (the neighbours or the dogs), but for some reason they have been lately: playing fetch in the house, letting their dogs bark int he yard, not trimming their nails...

Sunday night, though, I was about ready to yell through ceiling at them, or prod it with a broom. At about 1:00 AM their dogs were running throughout the apartment, throwing a bone around, which would come crashing to the floor. Eventually this stopped, but not before it woke me up.

3:30 AM rolls around, you know... when the bars are let out and people are on their way home. Yeah, non-stop barking at the passerby (I live in a University town, the Sunday bar crowd isn't rare, especially this close to Summer).

4:something AM: clippity-clopity heals come home, which calls for more barking this time from inside to outside as they let the things out to pee; then followed by excited dogs running about the apartment.

6:30AM: my boyfriend's body is getting ready to wakeup, which makes him toss and turn and switch sleeping positions every 30 minutes.

So my alarm goes off at 7:00AM, and I get out of bed as happy as a clam (SARCASM)... I get ready for work, and by 8:00AM me and BF are out to door, toward the car, to grab much needed coffee before the day begins. Let me just remind you of how "not in the mood" I am right about now.

Suddenly this brindle-backed, wet, french bulldog comes running at us from the other side of the house. He passes right by my BF and comes straight to me, where he proceeds to jumps up on me, huddling against me for warmth as he shakes. He was soaked and a bit muddy, but I couldn't help but pet the poor little guy.

So I pet the dog, trying to warm it up with pets, and all at once all of my frustration evaporate. As though it had traveled from my body, down my arm, out the palm of my hand, and into the pets. Like pet therapy.

Soon the owner finds us in the parking lot (my BF sitting in the car waiting for me to pull myself away from the dog), and low-and-behold it is the neighbour from up stairs. I had been petting the very thing that had been feeding my irritation.

I honestly thought it was a funny coincidence, and so neat to feel the affects of what petting an animal can do to someones mood.

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