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The Past Few Days

The past few days have been eventful.

- Promoting.

- The London Open Mic Indigenous Poetry Night (if you follow me on my twitter, I recently promoted this event often. Not just through my page, but through the official London Open Mic Poetry twitter [@LOMPoetry] and Facebook page)

- A few meetings about new ideas, and planning for more meetings in the future to get things worked out for Summer events.

- Also, my Sci-Fi grab block Nerd Block arrived, along with my free t-shirt, that was awesome, so I've been busy making and editing the vlog for that.

So the past few days have been eventful. No complaints, I love this lifestyle.

Haha, I'm unsure about posting the vlog, I had a lot of fun making it but it was my first time in front of a camera, and the lighting in my room is terrible...

Either way! I will be uploading all of my edited pictures of my Nerd Block loot onto my Instagram (kscott790) first, and then onto my blog in a neat little gallery.

Want to get it faster? Don't forget to check out and follow me on my other social media, and subscribe to my blog, through the subscribe box below, to get immediate updates when I post new things.

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